This vintage burger chain mug is a wonderful addition to any fast food mug collection. Great bold red graphics adorn this mug all the way around. So put on your burger chef hat and have a good morning. “Breakfast at Burger Chef. It’s a good morning feeling.” Condition:... read ›
A Pig in Skates Fire-King Mug Seriously? A Pig in skates? You bet! Not something you see everyday, really! This mug is one of the rare and more hilarious mugs out there for collectors of Fire-King. There are two pigs wrapped around this mug skating their hearts out.... read ›
Bullfrog Resort and Marina Mug – Fire-King Mug This Bullfrog Resort and Marina mug is one of the more colorful and rare Fire-King mugs to collect. Adorned with the cutest of frogs this mug will bring a little whimsy to any collection. This particular mug can be used only as... read ›
Conrail – Get Aboard the Idea Express Fire-King Mug From the older generation of Fire-King mugs comes this Conrail mug offering you to get aboard. Check it out and bring your ideas to life every morning with this classic mug. Condition: Excellent Price: $79.99 ... read ›
ESSO Tiger Orange Fire-King Mug This ESSO Tiger Orange Fire-King Mug is one of the rarer and hard to find Fire-King Mugs from Anchor Hocking. The other tiger Esso mug is multi-colored and is fairly common. This mug is not common and highly sought by collectors, not to mention... read ›
Fire-King Leo Zodiac Mug These lovely zodiac mugs have it all when it comes to your sign. Adorned with the dates and qualities associated with your sign, this mug will keep you guessing or give you the insight you’ve been looking for forever. These can be very hard to find and... read ›
Taco Time Fire-King Mug When it’s taco time get out your mug! Beautiful green cactus and orange sunset graphics wrap around this mug. Have this wonderful mug at your next Taco Tuesday or any other day of the week cause any time is taco time! Condition: Excellent (does have a small stress... read ›
Fire-King Cancer Zodiac Mug These lovely zodiac mugs have it all when it comes to your sign. Adorned with the dates and qualities associated with your sign, this mug will keep you guessing or give you the insight you’ve been looking for forever. These can be very hard to find and... read ›
Florida Footed Pedestal Mug – Fire-King Very interesting and hard to find and not to mention collectible are these footed pedestal Fire-King mugs. This one features scenes of Florida with flamingos and palm trees. Really fun mug! Condition: Excellent Price: $169.99 ... read ›
Fire-King Gemini Zodiac Mug These lovely zodiac mugs have it all when it comes to your sign. Adorned with the dates and qualities associated with your sign, this mug will keep you guessing or give you the insight you’ve been looking for forever. These can be very hard to find and... read ›
Snoopy Mug – I HATE IT WHEN IT SNOWS ON MY FRENCH TOAST! – Fire-King Cute Snoopy mug from a series of mugs that include the famous Red Baron Mug that all the serious collectors must own. Each mug has it’s own illustration and saying on the back ending in... read ›
Jade-ite Sea Shell Candy Serving Dish – Fire-King Wonderfully green Jade-ite candy dish shaped like a scallop shell. This dish will make any candy a delight. Condition: Excellent Price: $79.99 ... read ›